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William Huster

A Small Time CTO Near You

Travel Update #7: Some Images from Walpurgisnacht

Street Graffiti: “Ponys fuer Alle!” (Ponies for Everyone!). I thought this was funny.

Walpurgisnacht - Ponys fuer Alle!

A First of May poster: “Es war nicht alles schlecht im kapitalismus” (It wasn’t all bad in capitalism)

Walpurgisnacht - Es war nicht alles schlecht im kapitalismus

Another First of May poster: Make Capitalism History!

Walpurgisnacht - Make Capitalism History Poster

A dude wearing a Kreuzberg jersey. Kreuzberg is the neighborhood in Berlin where the party was happening.

Walpurgisnacht - Kreuzberg Jersey

Music stage, crowds hanging out, and some riot smoke in the streets.

Walpurgisnacht - Music Stage

Walpurgisnacht - Crowds Hanging Out in the Park

Walpurgisnacht - Smoke in the Streets

My friend Greg in front of a line of police vans.

Walpurgisnacht - My Friend Greg in Front of a Line of Police Vans