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William Huster

A Small Time CTO Near You

Intermedia Festival, IUPUI

Finally, something new to report! Just last night I drove up to the IUPUI campus to rehearse a performance with Intermedia Festival director Scott Deal and his students. The piece is a collaboration between our digital environments class in Bloomington, headed by Margaret Dolinsky, Scott Deal’s class in Indianapolis, and a group of graduate students and professors led by Kenneth Fields and Ellen Pearlman at the Syneme lab in Calgary Canada.

Intermedia Festival - Bobo the Clown 01 Intermedia Festival - Bobo the Clown 02 Intermedia Festival - Youngsuk

The actual performance will take place next Saturday, 12:30pm EST in the auditorium of the Donald Tavel Arts and Technology Research Center. The festival will be happening all weekend (April 23rd through 25th) and will feature the likes of R. Luke DuBois and Pamela Z. Performances will take place at both the new (and beautiful) Marion County Public Library and the above-mentioned Research Center. The website is pretty nice, too: music.iupui.edu/intermedia.

In addition to navigating the class’s virtual environment on stage, my work will be featured for a time in the IUPUI Advanced Visualization Laboratory’s CAVE, which is an enormous, expensive virtual reality interface with four projectors (left, right, front, and ground).

Well, the whole semester has been leading up to this! I’ll report back next week with some pictures and maybe even some video documentation.